Besides the other fun and exciting events at the Forum at the Falls in
Niagara Falls, NY, September 21, 2002, the committee held a raffle!

The raffled items include:

14 carat gold "Malta Ferret Penny" Earrings

Jeanne Carley's 2003 Ferret Calendar autographed by Jeanne!

Richard Bach's "Air Ferrets Aloft" and "Rescue Ferrets at Sea"

Ferret Nightlight

Marshall First Aid Care Kit

Muzuri Ferret Diet

Two 1 year subscriptions to Ferrets Magazine

A signed copy of Ferrets for Dummmies by author Kim Schilling!

Path Valley Farm Ferret Diet + Special T-shirt

plus many other exciting and fun items!

Educational sessions were provided by
Alicia Drakiotes (Building Better Laws for Ferrets) and
Brenda Johnson, who took over for Jeanne and Mary, (Alternative Methods in Sheltering).
These two important topics were discussed as the ferret community struggles with
issues such as the age of kits in pet stores, animal hoarding, and fears of
ADV and other communicable diseases.

There were opportunities for a "meet and greet", many vendor tables, and
a scrumptious buffet dinner was enjoyed over various table topics.
Who could forget tours of the Falls. Attendees were able to
vote on the entries for the 2003 FML Ferret Calendar. Tee shirts, both for
the Forum and from the International Ferret Symposium 2002 in Las Vegas,
were sold. (If you missed out on getting a t-shirt, and are still interested in
getting one, please contact
Linda Iroff to place an order.)

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